Murray Farm in Barnamaghery

Murray Farm Buildings c. 1900

One of the many things I learned while visiting with newfound cousins in Ireland in September 2019 is that “our Murrays are the Preagh Murrays”. Preagh Hill can be seen from the old Murray farm.

Preagh Hill, Barnamaghery, N. Ireland

There are many Murrays in this part of Ireland. Indeed a usual page in the old Catholic Parish registers from the 1800’s for the immediate parish of Carrickmannon and Sainthood is replete with Murrays, often marrying one another.

Who Occupied the Farm?

The following video traces the Murray descendants who occupied and owned the farm from 1831 to 1954. The current owner recorded the land and buildings as they were in 1996. That footage is included at the end of the video.

Created by Kathleen Murray, 2021 [License: CC BY 2.0]

6 thoughts on “Murray Farm in Barnamaghery”

  1. Hi Kathleen,
    Came across your blog entry by chance after a visit to Saintfield today and subsequently browsing for some info on my ancestors who lived around there. Rose Murray (1835-1907) of Barnamaghery was one of my great-grandmothers. I remember visiting the farm at Barnamaghery as a child in the 1950’s with my mother. Rose Murray being her grandmother and I presume the people on the farm her cousins?? I have some of our family connections on the family search app / website. Might interest you? It’s at a dead end at the Rose Murray connection at present but maybe you can fill in something above it as you mention a father and mother. I assume that Rose Murray was a sister of your great grandfather – but I may well be wrong!
    I can’t see how to include a pic of the family tree here. My email address is if you would like to see the family tree or possibly you could look at the family search website or app and search for Rose Murray? It’s always interesting to see where distant relatives have ended up!


    George Shaw

    1. Hi George:

      I am very pleased to read your comment. Thanks for taking the time to post it. I also think that your great-grandmother, Rose Murray, is an older sister of my great-grandfather, Hugh Murray. Their parents were Michael Murray (c. 1799-1865) and Catherine (nee) Murray (c. 1802-1882). So, we are 3rd cousins!

      I would love to see your family tree and will email you separately. I will also check Family Search.


  2. Dear Kathleen,

    Your research on the Murrays of Barnamaghery is fascinating. For someone from the outside trying to differentiate Murray families in a region of County Down replete with them, is a remarkable feat.

    I am the great-great grandson of Robert Moffat and Anna Moffat (née Murray and sister of your great grandfather Hugh Murray). I have researched the Moffat side recently and your information on the Murray’s is a great resource. I understand that you visited Murray cousins of mine in Barnamaghery a few years ago.

    I would be interested in making contact with you to discuss these connections further. My email is ; mobile – 07568323741.

    Best Wishes

    1. Hi Moira:

      Thanks for taking the time to write your comment. I had read this Facebook post some time ago.

      In case it is of interest to you, the son in America, James Murray, is actually Daniel Murray’s eldest son. Daniel and Catherine had nice children in all. James emigrated to Boston in 1907, the year after his father died. Both of James’ sisters and his mother visited him in Boston! I loved finding this info in the Boston newspapers.


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