“Hugh Murray was born in County Down, Ireland, December 18, 1839. His father, Michael Murray, also a native of Ireland, was a farmer by occupation; he married Catherine Murray, a native of the same place, and they had ten children, five sons and five daughters. Hugh, the seventh child, came to the United States in 1857, settled in Washington County, Mo., and commenced working at the trade of wagon-making, which he has since followed. He married Miss Mary Maloney September 10, 1866. She was born in Connecticut, and was a daughter of Michael and Ann Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Murray have eight children living, viz.: William, Katie, Annie, Nora, Hugh, Edward, Andrew and Paul; one daughter, Emma, was deceased at the age of six years. Mr. Murray has recently added to his business a stock of coffins and undertaker’s supplies, and has done a satisfactory business in this line. He is a man of strict honor and commands the respect of all his acquaintances.”
– History of Washington County Missouri. (1888) Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Company.